High Temperature Carbon Fiber
January 7, 2022
Kumair is excited to announce that we are now offering high temperature carbon fiber solutions for a wide range of applications. With so many customers requiring lightweight high temp materials, Kumair has developed carbon fiber sheets and the ability to make custom molded parts which can withstand temperatures much higher than standard carbon fiber / epoxy matrix composites. A "standard" carbon fiber part with a room temperature epoxy can only operate up to about 140-150F (the glass transition temperature). Typical prepregs can usually survive up to 300F or 400F, depending on the formulation. But testing has shown that our new high temperature carbon fiber composites maintain rigidity up to 500F, with short durations up to 550-600F possible.
Our goals was to develop a product that fills a gap in the marketplace between standard carbon fiber options and traditional aerospace high temp carbon fiber, for example, carbon/carbon and carbon fiber ceramic material. In the aerospace industry, these materials are used for heat shields and other high temperature applications (recall the tiles on the bottom of the space shuttle). Unfortunately, cost is often prohibitive for many commercial customers, and the lead-times typically start at 3-4 months and go up from there. To date there have been very few if any options available for non-aerospace customers, for example in x-ray imaging, industrial automation, electronics enclosures, and metrology.
Learn more by visiting our high temperature carbon fiber web page, then call or email us to setup a time to talk with a composites engineer about how high temperature carbon fiber may be the right fit for your project.