Carbon Fiber Foam Core and Honeycomb Core Sheets
March 24, 2022
Kumair is now offering a wide variety of carbon fiber sandwich core sheets including foam core, honeycomb core, and metal core. Foam and Nomex honeycomb sheets come in thickness from 1/8" up to 1" and yield the highest stiffness-to-weight ratio possible for a flat panel, orders of magnitude greater than any solid material. Metal cores, for example magnesium and titanium, create a highly machinable panel that can accept threaded holes, something not possible with standard carbon fiber sheets.
More complex foam core and honeycomb core carbon fiber parts are possible by CNC machining pockets and using epoxy to bond in threaded inserts, as shown in the picture above. Here, flanged aluminum inserts are bonded into a foam core part. This provides a means to integrate ultra low weight foam core carbon fiber parts into overall assemblies. Kumair has extensive experience working with automation, x-ray imaging, and electronics enclosure customers to develop optimized sandwich core parts and assemblies to meet a project's specific requirements.
Learn more by visiting our Carbon Fiber Sandwich Sheets with Core web page, then call or email us to setup a time to talk with a composites engineer about how low weight carbon fiber core materials may be the right fit for your project.